damask rose for sale has a hot market in early June and customers all over Iran are looking to prepare freshly picked and dried damask rose with quality. Organic. The bulk purchase of damask rose is very affordable due to the high volume of purchases because it has a good discount.
Find Damask rose for sale at Discounted prices
The bulk purchase and sale of damask rose in the cities of origin is cheaper and more affordable than the purchase and sale price of flowers in Tehran. Dry damask rose are sold at a reasonable and cheap price in this sales center.
The discounted price for rose is determined according to various factors . The most influential factor is the quality and the area produced, and after determining the price, all damask rose buying and selling centers are obliged to make their transactions based on this price. You can ask damask rose Day from reputable shopping centers.To determine the daily price of rose buds throughout Iran, one must have access to the cities of origin and producer of rose petals.
There are many cities in Iran that produce roses .The buying and selling price of damask rose , like other medicinal plants in the country, is fluctuating every day, and the best thing to do is to ask the price of the city that produces damask rose so that you can be given a relatively stable and relatively cheap price.
Data coverage for damask rose
The rose family has about 200 plant species, a limited number of which contain volatile substances and are used in the preparation of essential oils. Among the few that are used to make essential oils, rose is known to be the main product used in the health and pharmaceuticald industries .
Today, the use of rose essential oil in the pharmaceutical industry has increased significantly and is increasing day by day. rose cultivation and its essential oil production in three countries, Iran, Turkey and Bulgaria, is considered as a strategic product and is of great importance.
According to studies by Thomas et al. 2000, the production of this product is increased by about 7 to 10 percent every year. rose is adapted to a wide range of climatic conditions and is classified as a low-yielding plant. However, very basic information is available about the cultivation, physiology, ecology and biology of this plant. This article discusses some of the studies that have been done on this plant.you will find what is Damask rose in internet.