The price of each kilo of dried pink roses in the Iranian market has changed over the years, and the most important determinant of the price is the quality of the plant and the area where the dried pink rose was grown.
How much does Pink roses dried bunch cost?
Rosemary is an ornamental plant that, in addition to its abundant use in industries, has many medicinal properties, including HIV, antibacterial, antioxidant, analgesic and sedative. It has been reported.
This has caused the number of buyers and consumers of dried pink roses, so the need for reputable centers to offer quality and organic dried pink roses is felt more and more without intermediaries and at a reasonable price.
A variety of dried pink roses products can be purchased fresh and dried through the consultants of this Pink roses dried bunch sales center, and you can easily update the price of each kilo of dried roses dried bunches wholesale. Be very informed and cheap.
Pink roses dried bunches wholesale
There is evidence that the family is an ancient plant Some rose fossils are found in the United States that are 30 million years old.
The source of the rose is the Middle East, and some evidence suggests that the source of the rose is Iranian, but the source of the oil and its aromatic extracts is Greece.
This plant is cultivated all over the world, including Iran, Europe, Bulgaria, Turkey and India. The main agricultural areas in Iran are Kashan, Fars and Azerbaijan, of which Kashan is the most famous.
There is a strong bond between Iranians and dried pink roses. Its popularity is not only due to its medicinal effects but also because of its sacred beliefs about it.
People call this plant dried pink roses because they believe that the fragrant scent of dried pink roses is reminiscent of the Prophet of Islam.
Rose water is used to ensure a happy wedding in weddings and is also used in mourning ceremonies as a sad and joyful one. The rose is also a symbol of love and purity. It is used in meditation and prayer.
Currently, this plant is cultivated in Iran (especially in Kashan) for the preparation of essential rose and oil. Due to the lack of oil in the absence of natural and artificial alternatives, essential rose oil is one of the most expensive oils on the world market.
The price of each kilo of dried dried pink roses in Iran in domestic markets is very affordable and selling dried pink roses for export will bring good profits. And it will bring currency to the country.