Dried rosemary, in the form of powder, buds, and petals, has many uses in the kitchen and for cooking. To dry the buds of dahlias or to prepare the petals and powder of its dried flowers, they can be spread on a cotton cloth and placed in the open air or in the sun. You can also put them in a large pan, put them on a gentle heat, and wait for them all to dry evenly. Drying flowers is different from drying vegetables. The petals and buds of the rose may turn yellow, even if they are in the Organic Dried Rose Petals if the drying time is prolonged. So we have to pay attention to when they dry.
Organic Dried Rose Petals Sales in the Market
Organic dried rose petals have been cultivated for many years in arid and high areas, ie altitudes between 2 and 3 thousand meters above sea level, and in the cities of Isfahan, Kashan, Kerman, Kermanshah, Fars, and East Azerbaijan. Iran is one of the main producers of Golcheh Dried Rose Petals in the world. One of the main reasons for the global popularity of Dried Rose Petals buds produced in Iran is that due to the drought in Iran, this flower grows without pests and therefore without spraying, so not only has more properties but also due to its existence. Toxins do not lose their quality. In fact, dried Dried Rose Petals buds are buds of Dried Rose Petals, which are dried in special and standard conditions, so that they retain their color and quality. It is then sold for a variety of uses and to take advantage of its extraordinary properties. The nature of rose petals is mild to slightly cold and dry, so it is anti-bile and phlegm, and its remedy is for cold-tempered people, aniseed and for people with hot temperament, camphor. The nature of rose pollen is hot and dry. The parts used in this plant are its leaves, edible rose petals, and buds. Depending on how each of these parts of the rose is used, they have different medicinal properties. For example, fresh rose petals have laxative properties and dried petals are astringent. organic roses, the dried leaves, and buds of this flower have astringent properties. In fact, the nature and temperament of dried rosebuds are mild and astringent.
How Much are the Cheapest Organic Dried Rose Petals?
Golcheh Dried Rose Petals used it to prepare all kinds of syrups and drinks, to decorate and flavor foods, to prepare and produce oils, soaps, and home perfumes. Dried rose petals can also be used to make a variety of hair and face masks. One of the most special herbal teas is Dried Rose Petals tea, it is enough to prepare it; Infuse a few dried buds of rosemary with a teaspoon for 15 to 20 minutes. Also, to prepare honey and rosemary tea, which is suitable for relieving respiratory diseases, colds, and inflammation of the mouth and teeth, it is enough to soak 50 grams of dried rosemary buds in water for one day and then mix its decoction with 100 grams of honey. In addition, we can add Dried Rose Petals buds to our liking in a teacup and use its properties in our tea. Dried rosemary buds can be used to decorate a variety of foods such as rice, desserts such as porridge, and a variety of yogurt combinations.
To prepare skin and hair masks and creams, you can also use Dried Rose Petals bud powder along with honey, rose, and rose oil. In addition to being very useful for strengthening and shining hair, this combination is also very effective for treating pimples and acne, and exfoliating and clearing the skin. It also keeps the skin hydrated and prevents the skin from drying out. Dried Rose Petals is a great fragrance for the home. To do this, you can grind some dried rose petals with other fragrant spices such as cinnamon, ginger or vanilla and place them in different parts of the house, including drawers, shoe racks, bathrooms and even next to the bed.